10.5″ Gen 4 Noveske9 Upper first impressions

Alright, this isn’t a proper review, just some commentary and first impressions.

Many times I have wanted to set up a 9mm training carbine just like my main AR15. At times I have done this. More reciently, I started to like the idea of having nearly identical 5.56, .300 Blackout, and 9×19 Nato uppers. 5.56 for general use, .300 for when I feel like wasting money, and 9mm for training. I’d prefer this training gun to be reliable and dependable enough to use as a fighting rifle by itself. I could build nearly identical uppers in various calibers, but I wanted to get something factory assembled if possible. Eventually I found that Noveske offered nearly identical 9mm, 5.56, and .30 short & weak uppers. Or they claim to, they never seem to be in stock. I picked up a used 5.56 Noveske upper. I’ll talk about that some other time.

Finally, Noveske said they had the 9mm upper in stock.

Image from https://noveske.com/products/10-5-gen-4-noveske9-upper/

I spent the money and ordered the upper. When I placed the order, Noveske said they had a two-week lead time on items in stock. At the beginning of week four, I asked them for an order status update and they told me they were shipping things in 3 weeks. I got it at the end of week four.

Annoying to wait that long, but it was worth it. Great packaging, nice fit and finish. Everything covered with Noveske logos including the thread protector.

The upper came with a Noveske marked Geissele “Super Badass Charging Handle”. Now I am behind the time and haven’t tried all these new charging handles, this one is pretty nice.

Also included is a sample of Froglube. I’ve read plenty of mixed opinions on this stuff. I’ll give it a try and will keep an open mind.

I threw the upper on a SBR lower of mine and added a SilencerCo Octane9. First range session went great, at least as far as the upper was concerned.

So far, I really like it. I’ll do a proper review later.


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